TESLA dækker Tesla ejers udgifter til transport af ukrainske borgere.
UPDATE d. 13. juni 2022: Dækning af udgifter stopper pr. 30. juni 2022
Foreningen har modtaget nedenstående mail fra Tesla, hvor de fortæller at de vil dække Tesla ejers supercharger udgifter i forbindelse med transport af Ukrainske borgere.
Har du deltaget i transport af ukrainske flygtninge, så læs nedenstående krav nøje og send alt relevant data til os i første hug, det er vores indtryk det ikke er muligt at gensende manglende data. Bemærk den korte tidsfrist.
Kender du nogen, der har hjulpet, så gør dem opmærksom på denne artikel eller endnu bedre, del den i dit netværk.
Man behøver ikke være medlem af Tesla Owners Denmark foreningen for at kunne få godtgjort sine udgifter til SuperCharger netværket på turen.
Email sent to EMEA Tesla Owners Clubs’ Presidents.
Good evening, I work in Tesla EMEA’s Growth team. We wanted to make you aware of the following initiative.
Over the last couple of weeks, we have received a few requests from Tesla customers asking if we could support their efforts to bring relief supplies to those affected by the war in Ukraine. Although stations in Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania are already free, we’ve been looking for the most efficient way to support even further and we are now ready to roll out the following initiative.
Tesla owners driving to the Ukrainian border can now apply to get their Supercharger fees refunded.
To do so, few rules and criteria must be followed:
- Trip purpose: bringing humanitarian help to those who suffer from the war in Ukraine and/or helping driving Ukrainian refugees to other locations
- After the trip, Tesla owners can apply for supercharging fees refund:
- Application must be sent to: supporting-ukraine@teslaownersdenmark.dk
- Application should be done within 14 days after their trip
- Email must include the following information: VIN, brief description of the trip’s purpose, start/end points, dates, Supercharger stations visited and which charging sessions have to be refunded
- Tesla Support will check eligibility and will process the refund to the payment method saved on the owner’s Tesla account
- Please note that if the vehicle is leased, and the leasing company is the main payor of the Supercharging fee, we will not be able to refund
- One application per (round) trip
- Refund may take up to 14 days after the application
- Tesla has the right to decline the refund request, if the information provided are incomplete or if abusive Supercharger usage is identified
Could we get your support to get this message to the members that have made the trip already? I would simply ask that you do not share this email in its entirety on social media as we do not want this initiative to be manipulated in any way. Any question, let me know. (supporting-ukraine@teslaownersdenmark.dk)
Thank you!
Best regards,
Charles Delaville Senior Manager, External Content
(e-mail fjernet)